FINAL School Year Post

Thank you all for the hard and amazing work you do. There are so many big and small ways you help students, families, each other, and this community. You all step up way beyond your classroom to make our school a positive and wonderful place to be. Let's take a brief look at the last few week's....

Testing - a lot of behind the scenes work went into making the SBAC/NECAP/Bridge process smooth. Janet, Karen, Bill S and Shannon started this work in the fall. Many teachers stepped to help facilitate, pre-teach, coach, and manage behavior - Rachel, Moira, Reeves, Mary, Mike and Bob. This was a big effort.

Seniors - We're not done yet, but there have been senior things lately that require lots of finesse and extra co-ordination, like the senior trip (thanks Natalie, Katelyn B, Karen P, Kate, and Matt). Thank you Kitchen staff for providing a great meal.

Prom - thanks Reeves for helping to coordinate and Bill C, Mary, Kascinda, Katelyn B, Karen, and Rebecca.

Did you notice that Katelyn and Karen gave up Friday and Saturday night to chaperone, thanks!

Barb's party - thanks to Rachel, Michele, Kate, and Sheila J for planning, Peter G for Tech support and music (w Karen P), Marc for the music tape and Peter H for clean up.

Thanks Marc, Shannon and Karen for representing and collecting useful info at Dynamic Landscapes.

Envirothon - PA crushed it again, way to go Sheila!

NHS induction - beautiful - thanks Moira. Great speech Kate!

Brian and Crew - the grounds are looking great for the end of the year celebrations

Did you know that Trevor has taught TWO online courses this semester (so many PA kids could take one)....he's already in finals land and getting it done. Thanks.

Dan, thanks for prepping students for all-state, the Memorial Day Observance (AND PARADE ON MONDAY!), and last chapel, and graduation, and .....

Last week several teachers led BP - there was alot of background work to make that flow as well as it did - Thanks Dory, Kate, Averill, Rachel, and Jen

The final dance performance - Wow, amazing....thanks Katelyn.....oh, and the yearbook!!!!

Curriculum Council is cranking lately to get us ready for Schoology & CCamp - thanks Jen B!!

Thanks Jen C. for helping us navigate the 8-9th grade transitions.

Lots of people have stepped up to help Averill with the brilliant mural project and class coverage (especially Mike and Van)...and Averill has been here early and late into the wee hours to make this project work.

And why is lunchtime so calm....?....thanks to all the gym chaperones and especially to Jon V who is always there to sub and keep an eye on things....and 4 Square...taking over the school!!

Natalie....thanks for handling lots of tricky, tricky sports situations and last minute subbing.

Attendance - trips, trips, trips, early release, early release, early release.....way to keep it all together Michele with support from Rebecca, Janet, and Andrea M.

Did anyone see the photos or notice Tiffany's dress at PROM - it took a lot to make that happen....thank you Kim and Kascinda. What an amazing story....that keeps growing.

Thank you Eric, Mary, Kasicnda, and Andrea for helping with end of the year hiring.

Was that Leslie on Trumpet, why yes it was. Well done!

Dave...did you just have a baby, but wait...what a fantastic Spring Performance...Thanks!

Has anyone seen Peter G....well he's hard to find because he's helping prep year end event after event after event...and he was hear late with Averill, too, setting up the tech.

Year end tech needs, organization, etc - thanks Bill and Karen!

Supervising AP exams and handling scheduling request after request after request - thanks Sheila J, Carrie, Steve and AP teachers - Mary, Averill, Matt, Sheila and Moira for prepping our kids to succeed!

Details, details, details with so many year end things...thank you for staying on top of it Janet and Michele

Are your students getting squirmy?!...who do you call.....who is so on top of it...thanks Rebecca

New tennis team....way to go Van!

Matt, why are you wearing your track stuff while teaching? Oh right, you have to run to another meet today ...and this weekend...and next weekend....that will not end until 9 or 10 pm and thanks for coming back early tomorrow.

Thank you Barb and Barb, for just being Barb!!

And this list is just SOME of what happened in the past FEW WEEKS!!!

There are so many ways you each support our system and school community that are worth mentioning. I apologize for what I probably missed mentioning from recent events. Your work often goes unnoticed by those who gain the most from it. But, I notice and I appreciate you everyday. Thank you, you are amazing and I am thankful to be working with you. Thanks for helping to make 2016 a fantastic school year.

Upcoming Events

5/31- 8ths graders visit TA - PLP sharing
6/1 - Baseball hosts Playoff game at 4:30
6/7 - Final Leadership Team meeting
6/10 - FINAL BEST PRACTICE - t Sheila's house
6/13 - Finals Begin
6/14 - PAML Last Chapel - 8th grade parent meeting afternoon
6/15 - Last Chapel
6/20-23 - Curriculum Camp
8/22-26 - Pre-School In-service 
8/29 - 1st day of school 2016-17

Schoolwide Happenings: 

French Cafe returns with Eng 9 visitors enjoying.
You'll have to ask Reeves about his World Lit students' experience with local film maker, John Fusco,who wrote, 'I found your students to be more engaged - and their questions more on point - than the classes I have visited at UVM & JSC.' 

Rewarded for finishing AP Eng by completing a 15 page paper.

All done...'unveiling' reception to follow....stay tuned...

Taking advantage of the power outage


9th grader Lucy Kelly out throws EVERYONE in the state, not just D3, at Essex invitational with a Javelin toss of 120+ feet and thus automatically qualifies for New Englands.

The baseball team finished the season as the D3 number 2 seed in the playoffs - could we be headed to the finals?

Way to go Sheila T and Envirothon Teams: 1st in soils, 1st in Oral, 2nd Overall Statewide



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