May 9 - Science Bridge (10th) and Science NECAP (11th)

Don't miss their final show this Friday at 7pm in the Aud.
It's almost mid-May and you know what that means. The celebrations are starting. This week features NHS inductions and the culminating show for the Dance Team. I hope you are able to participate and/or congratulate these students (and adults) who've worked hard this year. In addition, the final standardized tests will occur for juniors and 10th graders this week. As you also know, when the celebrating starts and weather warms up it's harder and harder for students, and sometimes us adults, to stay focused on the final push. Please work hard for your students and your colleagues to encourage smart decision making, time management, and respectful behavior. Thanks in advance for your help and energy toward a strong and fun finish to the school year.

Upcoming Events: 

5/9 - BP in Reeve's Room-Senior Awards
5/10 - NHS Induction Celebration
5/11-12 - Science NECAP for 11th graders
5/16 - BP in Library - PBL
5/19 - Envirothon
5/20 - Senior Class Trip
5/21 - PROM
5/23 - Best Practice PBL
6/20-23 - Curriculum Camp
8/22-26 - Pre-School In-service 
8/29 - 1st day of school 2016-17

Co-Curricular Calendar
If you look closely, you can see a PA senior in the middle of this photo

LINK: Want to know more about WHAT MOTIVATES STUDENTS?  This is a simple guide about the science of learning.


The Inaugural Report for the May 23, 2016 Annual Meeting of the Elmore-Morristown Unified Union School District is now available to the public.  It may be viewed and printed from the following websites,


Spring is in the air - check out who took first place in Div III Baseball with a HUGE win over Fairfax this weekend.

Classroom - Schoolwide Happenings:
PA Upward Bound student took part in TRIO is Working Day Saturday, April 30. Through out the state many TRIO programs were participating in a community service day project. The JSC Upward Bound service was to green up on the Rail Trail.  The program did the whole trail from Jeffersonville to Tinny Bridge. PA's group specifically worked from Tinny Bridge to the Oxbow section. Due to time limit we were unable to complete our last 2 10ths of a mile. The 10 PA students were very diligent and completed the experience with enthusiasm and a sense of accomplishment

This is what Cinco De Mayo looks like in Spanish class. 
Check out the panel of students helping with 8th grade step up. 
PA students checking out future options at Vt Tech College (VTC)

Amazing facilitated conversation between students at PA and a few community members. In this photo, some students are conversing through written and spoken language for the first time with peers they've gone to school with for many years. I heard one student (on the left side of the photo) say 'this is amazing'. Talk to Kascinda or Kim for more of the story. 


Congratulations to Dave G and family. On May 5th, they welcomed Maggie Grace,@7lb 14oz, and 20 inches.

Happy Birthday: Mary (5/7) Michele (5/10) Jeff Bryn (5/11)


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