May 16th

NHS 2016 & 17
The NHS induction last Tuesday was an enjoyable and uplifting event. The students represented your collective work and messages incredibly well. Kate Toland spoke with immense eloquence and thoughtfully addressed each student. The students who spoke did so with confidence, creativity, critical thinking, and passion. I left thinking of the many ways you all helped to instill these qualities of excellence in each of these students and couldn't help but consider: how can we further support all students to reach this level of excellence. Thanks to Moira for her organization and efforts and again, to all of you for helping to shape such wonderful people. I'll be sharing some student quotes at Monday's BP and below is part of Kate's speech that stuck with me:

“Tonight I want to invite you to put all of these goals (NHS pillars) to work in service of the mission described by writer and scholar Karen Armstrong. She says,

One of the chief tasks of our time must surely be to build a global community in which all peoples can live together in mutual respect”

A tall order but I think if we start simply, if we start with three simple things, it is possible to build this global community. The three things I ask all of us to consider are to

        I.            draw inspiration from those around you,
      II.            cultivate compassion for, and a healthy relationship with, yourself,
   III.            and to see great capacity in all human beings.”

Upcoming Events: 
The Tennis Club is taking they are after a victory at Stowe

5/16 - BP in Library - PBL
5/19 - Envirothon
5/20 - Senior Class Trip
5/21 - PROM
5/23 - Best Practice PBL
6/20-23 - Curriculum Camp
8/22-26 - Pre-School In-service 
8/29 - 1st day of school 2016-17

Co-Curricular Calendar


Next Tuesday the portion of Bridge St. from Brooklyn Street to the truck route will be closed to through traffic for approximately 2 months to replace the waterlines, pave the roadway and add new sidewalks. 

Link: More Brain-based implications for the classroom

Schoolwide happenings:

PA Marching Band in an All-State parade.

9th grade student actors doing a 'read through' of 12 Angry Men

Dance team performing at MES Community Meeting. Great job Friday night, too!!

Way to go, Barb. 

The baseball team remains at the top of Division III. The Final home baseball/softball game and senior game is this Thursday v. powerhouse Fairfax. In golf, Laura Badger continues to be the top finisher among girls in match after match.

Happy Birthday: Kim Laidlaw (5/19) PG (5/21)


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