January 16 - A new beginning...

They're back, in new form, and thanks to PA Grad (LB Spaulding '11) they are doing great!

Thanks everyone for taking some time to meet with me on Thursday or Friday. I learned a lot and, as always, it was great to connect with each of you. I would say that as a school we've made some amazing growth and it's because of your hard work, open minds, and understanding. I'm very thankful for your patience with the system and each other as we work through this transition. I'll do my best to follow up with folks where necessary and keep you in the loop on how the things we discussed are progressing. Thank you!! **Special 'shout out' and thanks to Sheila Jones and Melissa Gillen for their relentless and selfless background work to make the gradebooks work!**

Reminder: Check TA time to see upcoming TA activities. We have one coming up as a follow up to community meeting and MLK day.


1/16 - LSSU In-Service Day
1/17 - Community Meeting 
1/23 - Next BP; 3 pm Library Program of Studies
1/24 - Talent Show (Schedule)
1/30 - BP 3pm: Scholarly Habits 
2/2 - Early Release - data day 
2/3 - LSSU In-Service Day
2/3-7- French Trip to Canada
2/10 - Quebec Students visit

This week's linkNo grades, No problem

Schoolwide Happenings: 

Checking blood pressure & heart rates and progress in PE

Science guest lecture
Socrates cafe final exhibition at River Arts.

JV hoops

The crowds & spirit are growing...you should come on out!


Great turn out for the annual PA-Lamoille rivalry game.

Happy Birthday: Rita Angione (1/16), Sheila Tymon (1/18) & Chad Herman (1/20)


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