January 30

What would you stand for?
 Reminder - Talent Show moved to Tuesday after school = No TA this week.

Budget Update: 

On January 24, the EMMU school board passed a budget for the school year 2018. The most notable addition to the budget was the addition of 2 full time World Language teachers to the k-8 program. This will provide instruction that currently does not exist in EMMU schools. You have likely heard about a proposal for a new gym. The cost for the gym was not included in the 2018 Budget Proposal. It will be put forward as a separate Bond. There is a community and school committee working on planning for  community information sessions and the bond vote later this Spring. As you are likely aware, Governor Scott recently made a public address about government spending in Vermont, that included his ideas about education spending. The message below from Tracy will help put his comments in perspective to our local budget process. 

In response to the Governor's proposal that school budget decisions be delayed until May, my recommendation to boards is that we follow the law--which means going forward with the budgets as proposed.  The Secretary of State's office also recommends going forward with budgets as required by law.  We will, of course, monitor the legislative process and if the law changes, respond appropriately at that time.                               --Tracy 

We would like to share a community event with you in which the intent is to help educate the community around childhood trauma, stress, the science behind it, and strategies to support students and families. This is a two hour event, offered in three different times and locations. The first hour will be showing the documentary 'Resilience' (trailer: https://vimeo.com/137282528and the second hour will be a panel of community members who will be available for questions and answers.  

Upcoming TA 

2/7 - Winter Carnival Prep
2/10  -  Winter Carnival Prep
2/14 - Academic check in / Scholarly Habit / Wolf Track
2/17 - Academic check in / Scholarly Habit / Wolf Track
(Geography Documentary Presentation)
Acapella Choir
2/24 - No TA - Winter Carnival


1/30 - BP 3pm Scales and Proficiency 
1/31 - Talent Show (Schedule)

2/2 - Early Release - data day (scoring for some)
2/3 - LSSU In-Service Day (8-4 at PA)
2/3-7- French Trip to Canada
2/10 - Quebec Students visit
2/24- Most Likely Winter Carnival

This week's link: Is Mastery a 3 or 4 or something more?

**FYI - Phil will be out of the building a fair bit early next week for off campus meetings and MES principal interviews. (Out - Mon AM, Tues ALL DAY, Wed AM) Rebecca, Karen W, Janet, Michele, guidance, Peter H, can all be called on for support. **

Schoolwide Happenings
More fun with cars and physics. 
Slap stick comedy in 9th grad English led by David G

Senior Evie standing tough on D during a recent victory

The lights might go out, but the learning never stops. 

Happy Birthday: Chris Walsh (1/31) Steve Hudak (2/2)


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