April 24 - Welcome back

Welcome Back!
I hope you had a restful week. It was well deserved. Now we are headed into a very busy, fast paced, exciting and celebratory time of year. Buckle up and try to enjoy the ride. Before we know it our seniors will be on their way....and, speaking of seniors...
The actions of the senior leaders of MCAC (and the other MCAC students) gave us lots of evidence that our work and systems are producing students who can Act Effectively to make a difference in our school and broader community. They showed us what happens when passion and focused work come together. I look forward to seeing what this group does next. Please join me in thanking them for caring about something and trying to make a difference.

*Emergency Alarm prior to break: As a result of the Emergency Alarm that sounded at the close of Thursday's schedule several questions have arisen. A team will look deeper into the questions and concerns and include any decisions or procedural changes in the future. In the meantime, when you hear an alarm, stay calm and follow normal procedures until you hear otherwise. Always assume it is real until you are directed otherwise. Thanks. 

This Week's Link(s): VtSchoolSafety; Swatting

A message from your Tech Dept: As we approach the close of the school year, please let tech know if you have any needs, wishes, hopes, etc for you classroom. If you are hoping for something like additional computers in your room, new screen, etc, let them know. 

4/24 - BP (PBL - Scholarly Habits - Please bring your stuff!) 
                   BEST PRACTICE AGENDA
4/25 - 16 Swiss students from Geneva arrive (they will be in school on W-Th)
4/25 - Community Meeting (*this might be 4/26 to welcome Swiss students)
5/1-5/27 - PA Student Art Show at Helen Day Art Center in Stowe.
5/12 - Final Dance Team Performance 7pm
5/19 - Possible Service Day in the Afternoon
6/1 - Senior Trip
6/15 - Last Chapel & Graduation
6/16 - Last day of School
6/19-22 - Curriculum Camp Rocks!!

Upcoming TA
TUESDAY                                                              FRIDAY                          
4/25 - Community Meeting in GYM  (*maybe 4/26*)     4/28 - Climate Data Reflection/Green uP
5/2 - TBD                                                                    5/5 - Spring Fling Sign UP
5/9 -  Academic Check in - SH's                                     5/12 -  Academic Check in - SH's
5/16 - 8-9th grade Step up                                              5/19 - ?SPRING FLING?  
5/23 - Community Meeting                                            5/26 - Scholarly Habits
5/30 - LAst week of TA - FREE                                     6/2 - FREE - LAST TA
                        ** Yearbook Dedication somewhere in here....****
6/6 - No TA                                                                  6/9 - NO TA

Schoolwide Happening
The annual Egg Drop in Physics....just in time for Easter. 

Landscape Art, Andy Goldsworthy style. Take a walk on your next break to see more! 

Several PA students from GMTCC did well at the recent SkillsUSA competition. Gold medal winners, Justin Audet & Dane Garrett will be traveling to Kentucky in June to compete. they have the opportunity to earn a full ride to college. Below are the winners from PA:
        1st Place  Justin Audet - HVAC
         1st Place  Dayne Garrett - Culinary 
         2nd Place Kaitlyn Toof - Restaurant

Ali Perini also recently received Honorable Mention in the statewide poster competition sponsored by the Vermont Treasury department.

Emily Hess's poetry submission to Young Writer's Project was recently featured on VPR and VT Digger. She also traveled to Dartmouth College where she read the poem and did the same at National Poetry Month kick off in Montpelier in early April. Below are links to her work with audio:

Happy Birthday: Jim Calhoun (4/17), Chris Player (4/20)


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