May 1

How Proficient in Health are You?
This week we do not have BP, but our focused work on Scholarly Habits needs to continue. Below, is the plan moving forward on this work and is based on our previous feedback, discussions, and notes from BP. 

In TA this week, please discuss with your students what evidence might look like for each SH.  Help students brainstorm what evidence could be (classwork samples, varsity letters, projects, Eco Weeko Poster, etc). Please help students understand there is no one set of correct answers in this type of discussion. For instance, some evidence might work for several habits. Feel free to include your ideas on this Scholarly Habit Evidence Brainstorm document. You can use this to help with your TA conversation, but don't feel that you must use this doc. 

Something that could help students make these connections would be to explicitly tell them (or ask) during classes this week what is evidence of SH's in your classroom.  Be as clear as possible. For example, if you are having students revise writing or re-taking a test this week, remind them that these are examples or evidence of demonstrating the SH 'responsibility'. 

We are doing this because on May 9th & 12th in TA students will be identifying evidence of  their own work that shows growth in a specific SH. Thus, the work this week will help students think about what they might use next week. (see Calendar below)

During Best Practice on May 8th, we will reflect on how the brainstorms went and prepare for the evidence collection activity in TA during May 9 & 12. 

AP Exams: Starting last Friday and continuing through next week are AP exams. Students and staff have have worked very hard throughout the year to prepare for these exams. Please do what you can to help support and be flexible with AP students. They are under a lot of stress. All exams will be in Jon Vandernat's Health classroom, which is in the social studies 'wing'. Good luck! 

It was great to see so many people outside during TA on Friday!
Monday through Tuesday May 9 AP EXAMS
- May 1 - all morning APES
- May 3 - all morning AP LIT
- May 5 - all afternoon AP Art
- May 9 - all morning AP Calc
5/1-5/27 - PA Student Art Show at Helen Day Art Center in Stowe (3-6pm).
5/8 - Best Practice: Scholarly Habits and TA
                   BEST PRACTICE AGENDA
5/12 - Final Dance Team Performance 7pm
5/19 - Possible Service Day in the Afternoon
6/1 - Senior Trip
6/15 - Last Chapel & Graduation
6/16 - Last day of School
6/19-22 - Curriculum Camp Rocks!!

Upcoming TA
TUESDAY                                                              FRIDAY                          
5/2 - SH brainstorm                                5/5 - SH Brainstorm (**Spring Fling details shared)
5/9 -  SH evidence collection      **             5/12 -  SH evidence collection
5/16 - 8-9th grade Step up                             5/19 - SPRING FLING
5/23 - Community Meeting                              5/26 - TBD - PBL related
5/30 - Last week of TA - FREE                           6/2 - FREE - LAST TA
                        ** Yearbook Dedication somewhere in here....****
6/6 - No TA                                                             6/9 - NO TA

Schoolwide Happening
Can't wait to see the final product on Monday afternoon. Helen Day 3-6 opening - with post get together.

Practicing 'life skills' in PE/Health. 

Thanks for adding tons of culture to our school last week, Van. 

Students visiting JSC who are considering a career in arts. 

Hmmm? I wonder what Johnny is up to with this pole???? You might be surprised and inspired by his answer.


National Technical Honor Society Induction Ceremony - Thursday 6:30 GMTCC

Happy Birthday: none this week


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