10/23 - Thanks for the Spirit....and your flexibility
Super Twins |
Remember those fond times during elementary school gym class when the teacher taught you how to stretch? I'm sure your teacher, like mine, regularly emphasized the importance of flexibility. I didn't take it seriously enough, and I'm suffering for that now. I haven't touched my toes in years, well, at least not in that classic 'touch your toes' hamstring stretch kind of way.
I encourage you to embrace those fond memories and your flexibility, prior to reading the next paragraphs. Maybe even take a moment to stretch and take a deep breath. You deserve it.
As you and I have both come to realize, being a school employee during a pandemic means coming to terms with constant change and interruptions. I know that it is very hard for you to plan and execute your curriculum within our current circumstances. You've all been so graceful with this reality & I commend and thank you for your efforts. I do try to avoid disrupting classes, especially this year. However, there are some things that we need to do with students that require adult supervision and direction, and therefor need to be done during class time (because we can't do them during remote TA this).
Well, a few more disruptions are coming to class time on Thursday and Friday next week. (And, these will not be the last....) They are important and deal with safety and human rights. The specifics are listed below in the calendar section, but I want to take a few more moments of your time to explain the period 4 interruption.
During period 4 on Thursday and Friday of next week, the Social Justice and Equity Group (student led, adult supported) will ask students to complete a short survey. We need to do this during class time, so that students actually do it. The group needs student input to move forward with their work. I don't think I need to explain why this is a topic of huge importance right now. We chose period 4 because numerous period 4 classes are currently discussing the topics of racism, equity, and social justice and are poised to have discussions on this topic. The group is prepared to send an adult to your class if you do not feel prepared to have a discussion with students on this topic. By the way, a discussion is optional and may not be necessary in your class. But, after completing the survey, your students might have some questions or may want to talk about it for a few minutes. We can support you and we will be coming around to ask if you need help. I do sincerely apologize for interruptions to this class two weeks in a row.
This Week's Link:
8 Lessons about Grading, Assessment and Differentiation for the Current Crisis
A Day in the Life of a Hybrid Teacher - You may appreciate this short anecdote
The Do's and Don't's of Hybrid Teaching - This one is a little longer, but maybe more helpful with strategies
- FACULTY can now request a substitutes, but we are not yet ready for PARAPROFESSIONALS to request them. We are pleased that we have seven individuals willing to help us as subs, but they go quickly. We will let you know when we can accommodate more sub requests. Support staff, when entering you absence please mark "no sub needed".
- COMMUNICATION TEST REMINDER: On Wednesday October 28, LSUU will be testing BrightArrow, our direct notification system. Alerts will be sent to the contact information we have on file including email, text and voice. Please contact Melissa Gillen at 888-4541 extension 5559, Katy Voyer at 888-4541 extension 5558 or your school after the test if there are any adjustments that need to be made.
A mixture of reading occurring across the school related to race, equity and social justice. |
10/27 - SAT Testing, 8:00am-12:00pm
10/28 - 8am Best Practice
- Staff Spirit theme: Halloween - Costume
10/29 & 10/30 - 9:00 am, Egress(Fire Drill) Discussion format
Egress (Evacuation/Fire Drill) Script 2020-2021
10/29 & 10/30 - 1:30 pm Racial Equity and Justice Survey/Discussion
11/11 - LSUU In-Service Day (No Best Practice, remote flex, etc)
TA (Teacher Advisory)
10/28 - 9:00-9:30 am - Remote - send students an invite
Activity....and/or on your own this week
Schoolwide Happenings:
CC Algebra |
Cozying up with a French Book |
Small Group Biology review |
The future is Bright (literally) - new air systems coming soon - THANK YOU BRIAN! |
Driver Education and Student Assistant Counselor (SAP?SAC) collaboration. |
Green Day |
Congrats to our senior soccer players......playoffs start next week and we can expect a deep run. Thanks to Matt E and everyone who helped with spectator management, which all made it possible for the season to flow smoothly.
Happy Birthday
Moira Donovan Oct 25
Van Carr Oct 28
Carrie Felice Oct 31
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