October 2nd - Step III here we come....


Coming soon: Virtual Open House and Conferences

Two weeks from today, we will already be immersed in conferences* and parents would have attended 'Open House'. Say what? Open House? 

In place of an open house this year, we will be creating a website for parents to learn more about your classes before conferences (a Virtual Open House). Shannon has graciously agreed to be the point person for organization and support (thank you!). She and a team are available to help do most of the work for you. Folx from the committee will be checking in with you to help because we know you have a lot on your plates already!

We are planning to get information onto the website about your classes and areas of expertise in one of two ways

- a picture capturing engaged learning in your classroom with a short written blurb (ex. a brief summary of your course narrative and introduction of self (TEMPLATE)) We already have pictures from many of your classes, but are prepared to come take one if needed. 

- a short 30-60 second video. Peter Guihan has a camera and will travel!  Need an example? Check out Peter Guihan's awesome video for IS:  Individualized Studies Promo 

Send finished products to Shannon to upload on the website: https://sites.google.com/lsuu.org/pavirtualopenhouse20/home 

Our target date for completion October 12th. 


Please DO NOT leave outside doors propped open. Re-enter the building via the main doors. This is for safety reasons. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation. 


This Week's Link: 

Indoor Eating Guidelines

Step 3 Complete Master Schedule


Art: soon to be coming to a wall near you .


NHS getting to it

10/5 - STEP III Schedule Begins!!

10/5-10/11 PA Weekly Sports Schedule

-Varsity Boys and Girls Soccer games will be live streamed next weekend, you can watch and follow along with the action at the following link:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYDe5I3EYmPIapiLHV4Q2Jw

10/7 - 8am Best Practice

Staff Spirit theme: Bring a Pet (real, picture, stuffed)

10/8-10/9 - School Picture Days

10/12 & 10/13 - SECURE THE BUILDING Drill - Script will be provided soon

10/13 - 3pm: Leadership Team Meeting

10/15* - 4:30-7:30 Remote Conferences & Full day of school

10/16* -  8-11:30 Conferences  NO SCHOOL

10/30 - SCHEDULE CHANGE, this will be a Full Day of School

3/22 - Changed to a full school day

6/11 - Tentative last day of school for students

*Details for how to you will connect with families will be shared later. We will announce to families how to sign up next Tuesday 10/6


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

10/7 - 9:00-9:30 am - Remote - send students an invite

    - FALL Fun Activity


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Clearing space for the outdoor American Literature - A good day for Emerson

Good day to be on the golf team! (This was the playoffs the other day - apparently 9th grader, Ashton T, put on a putting clinic.

Thank You, Matt, for getting sports off to a smooth start!!

Where are my students.....???



Making Progress....

UP for Learning:
 UP for Learning is a non-profit organization that seeks to elevate youth voice and engagement in their own education and health.  I would like to recognize Andi Tisdell who has volunteered to serve a an UP for Learning Youth Facilitator for the second year, helping train youth from around the state. Andi  was a great help last year on the PAML Getting to 'Y' team by providing clear instruction, modeling strong youth leadership, and helping other students see themselves as future leaders of GTY in their own school communities!

It's THANK you local custodian Week - Please be sure to thank them for their amazing efforts thoughout the summer and start of school! 

Happy Birthday

Lesley Schuster  Oct 2

Mark McNall  Oct 10

Anne deVos  Oct 17


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