October 16 - Thank you for doing Conferences!
Leadership Team grappling with scheduling planning |
This Week's Link:
Anti-Racist Teaching: What Educators Really Think
- Thought provoking, quick and easy to read and interpret graphics, charts and ideas
- I found the comment section at the bottom particularly interesting
- What do you think? What thoughts come to mind about your own classroom?
For Deeper Reading take a quick look at this: Why I speak up for Black Women (warning: the video option is graphic - think R rated MTV)
Student Request - I know that instructional time is limited and super valuable. However, many students are respectfully requesting more mask breaks via a multitude of avenues: TA feedback, individual conversations with staff & teachers, emails, etc. Please try to provide a short opportunity for a mask break during class.
Bad news: ONLY 22 students completed the SEL check in on Thursday during period 3. This is an important tool to help us gage the student SE climate. Please, have your green and gold students complete the SEL check in during period 3 on Monday and Tuesday. Please set aside a specific time for this activity. It should only take a few minutes. I recommend asking them to do it during the independent work time. It will be emailed to them by Michele around 10:30 on Monday or Tuesday (depending on cohort color).
Nature Trail: Now open for use by all!
10/21 - 8am Best Practice
- Staff Spirit theme: Dress as a Vermonter Day
This is hard scheduling.... |
10/22 - Staff Photos, 2:15-4:00 pm in the Cafeteria. We are using a different process for LSUU ID cards this year. Please be sure to have your picture taken.
10/22 - Tech Drop in = EdPuzzle representative
10/30 - SCHEDULE CHANGE, this will be a Full Day of School
3/22 - Changed to a full school day
6/11 - Tentative last day of school for students
TA (Teacher Advisory)
9/16 - 9:00-9:30 am - Remote - send students an invite
- Activity
Schoolwide Happenings:
Cool use of technology in US History |
No, this is not an archival photo of students in class - this just happened PSAT! |
Need a tire change, Who you Gunna Call? DE |
Mike and Mary are up to some interested tech use in Trig - ask 'em about it. |
I recommend checking out these books on the wall by the library.
The Healthy Lamoille Valley (HLV) Steering Team members have nominated Andi Tisdell to receive the Youth Prevention Champion as part of this year's Healthy Lamoille Valley Prevention Honors!
They will be officially presenting the awards at their November 3rd Coalition Meeting. https://www.healthylamoillevalley.org/nov-coalition-2020/. Below is a quote from HLV:
"Recognizing Andi Tisdell for her excellent work on the Lamoille Valley Youth Council and key involvement in prevention projects including working with Up for Learning's Getting to Y school initiative and serving as a Getting to Y youth state trainer. Andi has taken a leadership role in the Healthy Lamoille Valley coalition and was part of the coalition’s youth delegation to CADCA’s National Leadership Forum in Washington, D.C. "
Happy Birthday
Moira Donovan Oct 25
Van Carr Oct 28
Carrie Felice Oct 30
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