March 12 - Has Spring Sprung early?


Spring Fever is in the air and Covid Fatigue is gaining momentum... 

Below are a few COVID and other guidelines and expectations to keep in mind:

- Do Open windows and let in fresh, but please Close your windows at the end of the day

- Do go outside with students when appropriate, but please do not prop open doors

- Do use mask breaks for snacks and fresh air, but please do not let students share food or eat ongoing and inside throughout class time 

- Do encourage social distancing inside and outside

- Do be sure to eat lunch yourself, but do not do it inside with students in the same room

- Do remind students of your classroom and schoolwide COVID expectations, why they are important and why they've helped to keep us open. 

- Do get a vaccine and don't worry about when - we've got you covered! (The wolfpack has your back)

This Week's Link(s): 

8 Quick Ways to Check for Understanding

It's bit early to start opening our windows regularly, regardless, this is fascinating  



SBAC & VTSA Testing: All training and testing will occur in the computer lab with Karen, English, and math teacher(s) for 9th grade students. The science training and testing will be for all 11th grade students.   

This year testing will kick off with the science assessments.  This was decided based on our already challenging schedule.  Student rosters are based on which period the current schedule of the student with minor adjustments when necessary.  Each of the practice sessions are scheduled once per cohort and tests are scheduled for two sessions per cohort.  Test dates are as follows:

VT Science Training     March 22 & 23  
Period 3 & 4
VT Science Testing       March 25, 26, 29 & 30
Period 3 & 4

SBAC ELA Training     April 8 & 9
Period 1, 2, 3
SBAC ELA Testing       April 12, 13, 15 & 16
Period 1, 2, 3 

SBAC Math Training     April 29 & 30
Period 2 & 3
SBAC Math Testing       May 3, 4, 6 & 7
Period 2 & 3

Any non-testing student that is in the room while the testing takes place must complete the Test Administration Certification and sign the confidentiality agreement, this includes all teachers, administrators, BI's and paraeducators.   This is important, please return these to Tarah ASAP.  

2021-2022 LSUU School Calendar is now available.  

As a reminder March 22nd is a full school day, not a professional development day.

BUILDING ACCESS: Brian has changed access for fob users to access granted at ALL doors but under the same time periods. 6AM to 5PM on M, Th, F and 6AM to 6PM on T.  If you use an entrance other than the main doors first thing in the morning, remember that thermometers are only found in the front lobby, screenings are still mandatory. 



3/17 - Best Practice

3/18 - Early Release, Schedule

These eyes are watching you! 

3/18 - Conferences, 4:00-7:00pm

3/19 - Conferences, 8:00-11:30am

3/22-3/23  Instructional Egress, Discussion Script

3/22 - PA SBAC Training/Testing starts

3/31    Quarter 3 Ends

4/2 - Early Release - HS Grading


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Activity - Announcements and short Video


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Lewis & Clark comes to life in US History

All sorts of crazy stuff happening with that Globe in Rita's room.

Students ponder the impact of Climate Change in 9th Grade Science



3 Peoples Academy students have been awarded a Youth Ambassador scholarship from REAL Schools (made possible by generous donations from the Alchemist Foundation).  Adèle Ramirez Valcour, Mia Smith, and Anna Issenhart will serve as Ambassadors until July, when they will each receive a $250 scholarship with an opportunity to continue in Fall 2021 if they are interested. 

Adèle, Anna, & Mia will join one other student from Stowe High School with the goals of building connections between youth in Lamoille County to work towards racial equity in their schools and community. Each month they will organize meetings with and for other students, and they will join our Monthly REAL Schools meetings, which take place on the 4th Thursday of the Month from 5:30-7:00 here:

Please congratulate the Youth Ambassadors for taking on a leadership role in their community. We would also welcome any support you are able to offer them as they take on this role (e.g., helping them communicate with other students, making space/time for youth-led meetings, and other ways they may need support). 

Senior Celebrations start today! 

Boys Basketball: 
- Friday 3/12 vs. Lamoille (5:30/7:00 game times)
- Ceremony Start: 4:30pm

Girls Basketball:
- Saturday 3/13 vs. Oxbox (11:00/12:30 game time)
- Ceremony Start: 10:00am

Happy Birthday

Rita Ciambra  Mar. 23


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