March 19 - Sunshine is coming.....
I'm starting to hear and see more signs of Spring. |
SBAC & VTSA Testing: All training and testing will occur in the computer lab with Karen, English, and math teacher(s) for 9th grade students. The science training and testing will be for all 11th grade students.
This year testing will kick off with the science assessments. This was decided based on our already challenging schedule. Student rosters are based on which period the current schedule of the student with minor adjustments when necessary. Each of the practice sessions are scheduled once per cohort and tests are scheduled for two sessions per cohort. Test dates are as follows:
Period 3 & 4
VT Science Testing March 25, 26, 29 & 30
Period 3 & 4
SBAC ELA Training April 8 & 9
Period 1, 2, 3
SBAC ELA Testing April 12, 13, 15 & 16
Period 1, 2, 3
SBAC Math Training April 29 & 30
Period 2 & 3
SBAC Math Testing May 3, 4, 6 & 7
Period 2 & 3
Any non-testing student that is in the room while the testing takes place must complete the Test Administration Certification and sign the confidentiality agreement, this includes all teachers, administrators, BI's and paraeducators. This is important, please return these to Tarah ASAP.
2021-2022 LSUU School Calendar is now available.
As a reminder March 22nd is a full school day, not a professional development day.
BUILDING ACCESS: Brian has changed access for fob users to access granted at ALL doors but under the same time periods. 6AM to 5PM on M, Th, F and 6AM to 6PM on T. If you use an entrance other than the main doors first thing in the morning, remember that thermometers are only found in the front lobby, screenings are still mandatory.
3/22 - SBAC begins.....3/22-3/23 Instructional Egress, Discussion Script
3/24 - Best Practice
3/22 - PA SBAC Training/Testing starts
3/31 Quarter 3 Ends
4/2 - Early Release - HS Grading
TA (Teacher Advisory)
Activity - Announcements and short Video.....with important info about Woman's History Month
Senior Hoopsters and Hockey player with their coaches (Top and Bottom)
Happy Birthday: None this week.....
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