March 26 - Babies are born in the circle of the sun.......

Starting to look like Spring out there....

Upon reflection of our brief conversation during Best Practice related to Act 46 and the recent LSUU school board merger, I thought I'd share the following:

Before I arrived to PA in 2007 and ever since, PA has worked closely with Stowe school staff and teachers. We've done some great work and forged important relationships. We have staff in our school who live in Stowe, some of whom have students in Stowe schools. Many of us have, including me, have close friends who live in Stowe, some of whom also have children in the school system. We share staff, students, and resources. Stowe is our neighbor, our partner, and our friend. Unfortunately, they are going through some rough times. 

We should consider reaching out to those whom we are close to in the Stowe schools and ask them how we can help.  At PA, we are good at helping, providing support, and being inclusive. Now, as much as ever, we need to model inclusivity, empathy, and kindness. It's possible that our actions can help to make the challenging road ahead a little more smooth for our friends and colleagues. 


This week's Links: 

Re-Thinking PA : If you haven't had a chance to add to this

document please try to prior to Wednesday's Best Practice. There are some great ideas and conversations flowing out there - let's try to capture the best parts. Thanks for your efforts.  

GOOGLE MEET UPDATES- this can help if you are having issues with students trying to get into your meets. And this can help with the Calendar part of it.



Perfect Night for star searching....Thank you Lesley and Rita C for making it happen

LAST CALL FOR REQUISITIONS! If you would like to purchase something get the info to Tarah ASAP.

SBAC & VTSA Testing:

SBAC ELA Training     April 8 & 9
Period 1, 2, 3
SBAC ELA Testing       April 12, 13, 15 & 16
Period 1, 2, 3 

SBAC Math Training     April 29 & 30
Period 2 & 3
SBAC Math Testing       May 3, 4, 6 & 7
Period 2 & 3

Any non-testing student that is in the room while the testing takes place must complete the Test Administration Certification and sign the confidentiality agreement, this includes all teachers, administrators, BI's and paraeducators.   This is important, please return these to Tarah ASAP.  

2021-2022 LSUU School Calendar is now available.  

BUILDING ACCESS: In summary, school buildings will be open for employees:

● Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

● Tuesday between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

● Saturday from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.



Ongoing SBAC - see above

3/31 - Best Practice

3/31    Quarter 3 Ends

4/2 - Early Release - HS Grading

4/13 - In School SAT Testing for Juniors


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Activity - Announcements and short Video



Science Olympiad going for Gold last Saturday - Thank you Lesley, Matt and Rita C for helping to keep this group going!!

Algebra Perseverance

Glorious Week for Archery



One of our newest members of the Facilities Team welcomed their baby boy this week.  Introducing Jaxson Lee Trinh!  Everyone is doing well and overjoyed. 

Congrats to Shelby Wells (10th Grade!!) who was named Mountain League Player of the Year (that makes two years in row for PA). Her coach, Amanda Tinguad was also Named Mountain League Coach of the Year (That makes two coach of year awards in row this year for PA Coaches (Angie=Soccer). 
All League honors went to: seniors Melania Fogg & Gracie Beck (1st Team) & junior Makayla Watson (Honorable Mention) and senior Natalie Barber was named the Pete Hart Award Recipient which goes a player who demonstrates a strong work ethic, compassion and devotion to her team, and respect to coaches, teammates, officials and opponents. 

Happy Birthday:      Peter McCarthy  April 6


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