March 5 - And the march begins...
It's time to start re-imagining Peoples Academy and thinking about what our school could look and feel like when we move into a new normal.......maybe, hopefully, by this fall?! We have an opportunity to learn from our experiences during the Pandemic/Hybrid Learning and reshape how we do things.
This Week's Link(s):
30 Strategies to Engage students in Zoom (or Google Meet): For those of you who are meeting with classes for extended time in Google Meet or want to do more of it, check out the above link for some good ideas.
Simple ways to self monitor for Bias : Before reading this brief article, think about the various marginalized students in your classes from race to socio-economic to gender and all others. Consider applying this broad lens to the article.
REDO Procedures: Thanks for your comments and ideas related to our use of Redo Procedures. While we still have work to do to make best use of this procedure and other elements of PBL, for the time being, please ensure the following with your students:
- Make sure your students know there is a redo procedure in your classes
- Make sure it is accessible to all of your students, especially those who might struggle to advocate for themselves or struggle with process/executive functioning
- Be clear with your students that redo is about giving students more opportunity to demonstrate a skill or understanding that they didn’t earlier. Thus, redo requires more demonstration of practice before attempting a mastery assessment.
- Consider getting feedback from your students on how you approach redo
Example questions
- Do you know my procedure?
- Do you take advantage of it?
- Do you have suggestions for changing the procedure or anything you’d like me to know?
- Example Form to gather info quickly from your students
REIMBURSEMENT UPDATE: Please be advised that reimbursements for purchases using personal funds will now require a bank/credit card statement in addition to the receipt of payment. If you need to make purchases please follow the PO process and the latest memo from central office. Thanks
BUDGET FREEZE: Please start thinking about your 2nd semester movement of department funds. April 1 is the date that funds will be frozen. Ideally, it would be preferable to have all requisitions submitted PRIOR to MARCH 26.
REMINDER: As of Dec. 31st COVID days are NO longer available to use in Frontline. The option is currently there due to technical hurdles, which is confusing. Please use Personal, Sick, Vacation, etc. to enter days missed with pertaining information in the Notes section. Thank you!
3/10 - Best Practice 8:00 am Theme: a favorite book____________
TA (Teacher Advisory)
Activity: Announcements & short video, 9:10 SCHOOLWIDE KAHOOT created by the Culture Committee: players will need both a computer/chromebook and a separate device to play the Kahoot. Dan will send a google meet link out and the game code, once the Kahoot is completed and this will be in the challenge write up in TA announcements.
Schoolwide Happenings:
A big THANK YOU to Sheila, Michele and Tarah for the fresh new look in the faculty room!
Happy Birthday
Matt Yoskowitz Mar. 2
Dixie Bolio Mar. 9
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