September 10 - 'if you see a job, do it'

Good lunch vibes.....and good spacing! 

"If you see a job, do it', is a mantra I often used with my students during my wilderness trip leading days. It was an effective reminder that many hands make lighter work, or at least gets dinner cooked sooner. Not surprisingly, this is a mantra that you all demonstrate on the regular here at PA.  This past week felt like a time that I refer to as the 'Super September Busies' you all stepped it up. Thanks for your patience and cooperation with the many things that are moving fast and moving forward. And, a huge thank you to everyone who stepped in and up to fill in the gaps this week. It was tricky for a few days and your willingness to 'see a job and do it' was awesome. This team effort and 'let's get it done' attitude is part of why we are successful with our students. Thank you!


This Week's Link(s): 

Pick out a good film on Netflix, sit back and relax..... and, please read the Flex reminders listed below in the TA section, 



STAR Testing will begin on Monday, Sept. 13th. This assessment can help forecast which students are on track to perform well on state testing as early as fall—giving you ample time to intervene early and help get all students on track for success. This will be done during flex and Literacy/math classes, so there should not be any interruptions to your classes. 


9/13 - Best Practice   3pm Library (bring your device)

9/13 - Fire Drill, first one in a while

9/13-9/29  STAR Reading & Math Testing Window

9/16 - NO SCHOOL, Yom Kippur (Please no tests or major assignments due on 9/16 nor 9/17) 

9/17 - Flu Vaccine Clinic, 10:00-1:00

9/29 - PA School Photos, 7:45-9:45, get your photo taken for the yearbook.  

10/11 - No School - In-Service - Indigenous Peoples Day

 10/22-24- Homecoming Weekend

10/5 - YRBS Survey in TA

Home opening Star Spangled Banner

Athletic Calendar


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday: Announcements (especially THIS FLEX reminder), TA SELFIE

Friday: Announcements, Flex sign up, finish TA SELFIE

*10/5 - Tuesday, YRBS survey (details coming soon)


Schoolwide Happenings: 

You'll have to ask Matt.....
Thankful for coach Dawn in the classroom

Great to see Chris back in action

Poor masking; good spirit



Happy Birthday

Anneleise Beach  Sept. 12
Bill Slocum  Sept. 15
Rachel Duffy  Sept. 19
Matt Ehrenreich  Sept. 21


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