September 17 - "It's good 'be-ans' at PA"


It's good 'beans' in health class, get it?, ha, ha

Thank you for your continued patience and willingness to step up and 'seeing a job and doing it'. From things as small as picking up lunch trash (I know we need to work on this with students) to covering classes and roles for absent staff. There is a lot to do and work to get back to smooth operating. Thank you for your efforts! 

Also, I appreciate your time, thinking, and honest conversations (pictured above) around our academic and social/emotional work with students. This is challenging and confusing work. Thanks for your diligence and persistence. If kids are talking about it, and they are, we're making an impact (despite how it might sound coming from an adolescent :) )

Finally, I'm trying to get into each of your classrooms every week. This goal has been difficult with short weeks and many distractions with the start of school. But, when I do make it into your spaces, it's the best part of my day. EVERYTIME I enter any class your students are on task, respectful to each other and you, and doing thoughtful and interesting work. In the future, I hope to see you more, give you the feedback that you deserve and learn more about the important things occuring in your courses. I'm working on getting better with feedback. Until then, thank you for your awesome work with our students. 


This Week's Link(s): 

A funny thing happened on my way to class



Picture Packets:  Order forms are in your mailbox.  If you haven't already, grab them and get them to your TA.

REMINDER:  Central Office will be coming around for LSUU badges again

Many thanks to the people who keep us organized and safe

 this year but please still get your photo taken on picture day, 9/29 for the yearbook.

Community Service Opportunity: Lamoille County Habitat for Humanity is looking for volunteers to help with a fundraiser to support our local Habitat chapter which is ready to place a family into a new home. Approximately 60 volunteers will be needed to park cars and take money at the Stowe Fall Craft Fair that will be held on Oct. 8, 9 & 10.  LCHH will be paid $15.00/hr for every hour that a volunteer works.  All community members, including PA students, families and faculty, are invited to volunteer.  The times would be from 9:30 to approximately 4:00, divided into approximately three hour shifts where volunteers will park cars or collect admission. If interested please reach out to Judy by phone, 802-888-6918, or email,


Before the storm.....
9/20 - Best Practice   3pm Library

9/21 - Lockdown Drill - Script

9/29 - PA School Photos, 7:45-11:00, get your photo taken for the yearbook.  

10/11 - No School - In-Service - Indigenous Peoples Day

 10/22-24- Homecoming Weekend

10/5 - YRBS Survey in TA

Athletic Calendar


.....after the storm. Ugh!

TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA: 

Tuesday - complete previous activities: Memoir & Selfie, announcements

Friday - Flex sign up, announcements, on your own

10/5 - YRBS Survey


Schoolwide Happenings: 

A music lesson in French - notice to composer's expert hand motions. 

Fun, games, and seriousness in Spanish

Health making videos - stay tuned for more....



PA Alumni photo captured at Michele's son's wedding on Sept. 3, 2021.  
Graduates spanning from 1954-2019

Happy Birthday

Rachel Duffy  Sept. 19

Matt Ehrenreich  Sept. 21

Paula Mallo  Sept. 28

Lesley Schuster  Oct. 2


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