March 13 - One Acts start tonight!


One Acts start tomorrow night (and Friday) 7pm at the PA Aud. Then the crew travels to the Highland Center for the Arts on Saturday for the competition. 
Thank you for your willingness to be flexible and understanding with our conference times. We anticipate that these changes will make conferences more manageable for you and provide more opportunities for parents and students. 


Quote of the Week: 

“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” 

– Angela Davis


This Week's Link(s):

Got Girl Scout Cookies? 

See who's featured this week in PA's recognition of standour female students as we continue to recognize Women's History Month....and find out what this has to do with Girl Scout cookies and one young girls summer camp dreams. 



SRSS (SEL SURVEY) - *TA ADVISERS* - Please complete this survey for each student in your TA by the end of the day Friday, 3/22. (1 per student) We will have students complete their version during TA next Friday.


Conference Agenda: based on feedback from teachers and families, please use this agenda for each conference. 

You can adjust as needed to fit your style, but include these elements. See Phil or Leadership Team members if you have questions. 

Securely Update - it appears that we are not using Securly very much. That's fine, no problem. But, if you want to use it and need some help figuring it out, please let Phil know. We can help. 



3/14 & 15 - Conferences  (TH 1:30-6:30; Fri 8-11)
                   Early Release Schedule

3/14 & 15 - One Act Performances

3/18 -  Best Practice 

3/19 to 4/11 -  VTCAP Testing dates
            ELA 3/19-3/21; Math 3/26-3/28; Science 4/9-4/11 

3/25 -  Best Practice 

4/4 - 10th Grade College Field Trip  

4/6 - Science Olympiad @ UVM

4/2 & 3 - Astronomy to MES for 'Eclipse Lessons'

4/8 - Early Release - Eclipse...don't get caught in the dark

6/13 - Graduation

6/14 - Last Day of School

June In-Service - tentatively scheduled for 6/17-18, with camp to follow 6/19-21.


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday (3/19):  - Baby Photo Contest Due; Flex sign up &  Announcements

Friday(3/22): SEL Survey; Flex sign up; Announcements


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Jim Carter returns for more adventures in PA Driver Education. You gotta check this guy out if you get a chance. 



Happy Birthday

Jess Graham  Mar. 22

Rita Ciambra  Mar. 23


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