March 28 - It's almost April, get your seeds out


Great school spirit on display here! Thank you Kate, Dory and NHS for helping to organize a fun, uplifting, and positive community meeting. 

Thank you all for your contributions to the Data Presentation on Monday. I appreciated your efforts to be prepared to speak and to speak with ease, thoughtfulness, and honesty during the discussion part. There were a lot of great ideas, connections, questions, and thoughts for us to consider. The Leadership Team will be meeting soon to discuss next steps with your ideas. Please keep the conversation going, talk with the Leadership Team members and let's continue to build from the seeds we planted on Monday. 


Quote of the Week: 

Practice is a means of inviting the perfection desired.
Martha Graham


This Week's Link(s):

New article, same question: How Many Retakes Should a Student Get? 



2024-25 Schedule: The Leadership Committee has determined that we will be going with the SEVEN PERIOD schedule for the academic year of 2024-5. Thank you to them for their hard and persistent work and to you for your ongoing and thoughtful feedback. This is pretty darn close to what the BELL SCHEDULE will be and we'll be finalizing your course schedules and student schedules very soon. In fact, we plan to hand out student schedules next week during TA. After get a chance to see them and request changes, we'll finalize the courses. You will be provided with a script to help guide any questions and discussion that come along with the TA hand out of individual schedules. There are still some nuances (clubs, interventions, study halls, etc) that we, as a staff, need to figure out, but generally speaking, the big lifting is done and we're on our way to providing more choice and flexibility for our students. 


Help us get out the VOTE: The revote of the Elmore-Morristown FY25 budget has been scheduled for Tuesday, April 16.  Information about the proposed budget can be viewed HERE.  If you live in Morrisville/Elmore, please remember to vote and reach out to the Central Office at 888-4541 with any additional questions. Spread the word to Morrisville Voters and ask them to please send in their absentee ballots or go to the polls, we need all of those 900 voters to vote again. 


New Clever Enhanced Teacher Portal will become the default experience on April 1.

Your teachers’ portals will switch to the Enhanced Teacher Portal by default the week of April 1. They can switch back to the Classic Teacher Portal until July 2024.

To help prepare for the transition to the Enhanced Teacher Portal in July 2024, we are making it the default portal so that teachers can get some experience with the improved version before the end of the school year.

Here’s what to expect next:

Improved navigation for teachers: Over 450,000 teachers are using the Enhanced Teacher Portal and saving time finding and using their resources!

Teacher guide to the Enhanced Teacher Portal: The day the new portal surfaces for teachers, they will receive an in-product message with resources to help them learn about the new portal. We recommend you also proactively reach out to them to share the Teacher Guide to the Enhanced Teacher Portal.

Additional resources: Follow along and discover more tools and resources to support your teachers through the transition:


3/19 to 4/11 -  VTCAP Testing dates
            ELA 3/19-3/21; Math 3/26-3/28; Science 4/9-4/11 

4/2 & 3 - Astronomy to MES for 'Eclipse Lessons'

4/3 - Community Meeting on Eclipse - Start of Flex

4/4 - 10th Grade College Field Trip  

4/6 - Science Olympiad @ UVM

4/8 - No School - Eclipse...don't get caught in the dark

4/15 - Best Practice 

4/29 - Best Practice 

6/13 - Graduation

6/14 - TBD-Last Day of School?????

June In-Service - tentatively scheduled for 6/17-18, with camp to follow 6/19-21.


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday (4/2):  Vape Detector video and short discussion (Script coming); Flex sign up; Announcements

Friday (4/5): 2024-5 Schedule Handout (Script*); Flex sign up; Announcements *If  you have questions for the handout, please see Carrie.


Schoolwide Happenings: 

A first - A successful TA trip to NYC....and, look closely, the is PA Alum Leana Hunt with our students after they viewed "Back to Future" on Broadway, which she currently stars in, as the 'mother' character. 

High level thinking happening in Cedeno's American Literature.



Looking forward to those speeches.


Be sure to thank Sarah for her excellent coverage of the art room this semester. She has only two week's left with us.  Thank you, Sarah, for your hard thoughtful work with our school community. Please stay in touch with us! On that note, prepare to welcome Averill back next Friday! 

Happy Birthday
Ali Beddoe  Mar. 31


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